treat yo momma right!

As I was sitting procrastinating on my sanctification project, I decided to do a quick yahoo log in. I was hoping some mail had come so that I would have a reason to stop working on my project. Well, i didn’t exactly get to the mail part. You see as I was about to log in the news feed caught my eye. Usually I just nod my head and say something like oh isn’t that sweet or oh you gotta be kiddn me, but today i was intrigued. The title read high schooler takes mom to prom. I watched the video…well I am still not sure how I feel about it. I mean its good he’s thinkn about his mama and wanting to spend time with her before he goes away to school. he also knows he is the reason why she had to drop out of high school cuz she got pregnant with him, but does that mean he should take her to prom. So as I am thinking about this there are a few things running though my mind. I am just going to type it out as i am working through it so if it doesn’t make sense…well welcome to my world.

So I am thinking the guy says that he is not going to go to prom unless his momma goes with him…I am guessing this guy is single and can’t get a girl. I mean its one thing to ask yo momma to go with you, but another to say you are not going to go cuz she won’t. One good thing though about the mom going with the son is she won’t have to worry about the son telling her about some grandkids she is going to have because of the after prom. Which brings up another interesting question…how you gonna dance with your mom at the prom? I mean lets be honest we know how kids now a days dance. And no its not like off the movie dirty dancing…its more like they all look they are fish out of water trying to get back in the water, but on top of each other. This his momma you can’t do that. What’s gonna happnen if he wants to dance with another girl? Boy, you gonna let one of your nasty guy friends handle your Momma? No you best be protecting her. There are many more things to think about, but I’m tired so I’ll let you come up with your own thoughts…in the end though it is sweet, but so weird.

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